The Messianic Temple: The LORD is There is given to me by the LORD,
to write concerning His Millennial reign on Earth, when He will dwell
with His people and reign upon Mount Zion with His prince to rule over
the nations of the world with a Rod of Iron, executing the righteousness
and judgment of God upon the nations of the world. This Temple is established
in the Heart of God. It is the Restoration of the Garden of Eden on Earth and
His total consummation of His eternal purpose of the creation of man in His image
to be one with Him though the LORD Jesus Christ. In the book therefore, you will learn:
*The relevance of the LORD’s covenant with Abraham to the Millennial Reign of Christ
*His unfailing love and mercy to David concerning His Unceasing Dynasty forever
*His unfailing covenant with the Levitical Priesthood
*The True sons of Jacob
*Salvation and the Restoration of the Jews to the Promised Land
*The laws and ordinances of the Temple of the LORD upon his Holy Hill